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Getting Your LotteryPowerPicks
Seeing All your LotteryPowerPicks for the Next Drawing
To See the your LotteryPowerPicks Results for the Previous Drawing

New Visitors
  1. Click on all the links on this page, and read about us
  2. Press the "Login" button and Join Today
  3. Get Your Lottery Power Picks for the next drawing, and either write them down or print them
  4. Give these numbers to your local lottery agent and play them
  5. Check back after the drawing to see if you won
  6. Good Luck & Have Fun

To Join
  1. Press the "Login" button at upper right
  2. Press the "Join" button in the lower center
  3. Enter your: E-mail address as your username
  4. Enter your: LPP password
  5. Choose your default lottery game from the pull down menu
  6. Select your state abbreviation from the pull down menu
  7. Enter your: Nick name
  8. Press the "Submit" button

Returning Visitors Login
  1. Press the "Login" button at upper right
  2. Enter your: E-mail address as your username
  3. Enter your: LPP password
  4. Check the "Remember Me" button if you don't want to enter these again
  5. Press the "Submit" button

Getting Your LotteryPowerPicks
  1. Login
  2. Select the lottery your want to play by clicking either the "Powerball" or "Mega Millions" link in the middle of the 2nd row.
  3. Press the "Get Picks" button
  4. Select the Number of Picks from the "Get Picks" Pull down Menu ( from 1 to 20 )
  5. Press the "Confirm" button
  6. Press either OK or Cancel in the Confirmation Window
  7. Your NEW Picks for this Drawing are Listed Below

Seeing All your LotteryPowerPicks for the Next Drawing
  1. Login
  2. Select the lottery your want to play by clicking either the "Powerball" or "Mega Millions" link in the middle of the 2nd row.
  3. Press the "View All" button
  4. All of Your LotteryPowerPicks for this Drawing will be Shown

To See the your LotteryPowerPicks Results for the Previous Drawing
  1. Login
  2. Select the lottery your want to play by clicking either the "Powerball" or "Mega Millions" link in the middle of the 2nd row.
  3. Press the "Results" button
  4. Your LotteryPowerPicks for the Previous Drawing will be Shown & the winners in Green
  5. The "U1" Column will highlight your $ Winnings in Yellow