njPrevEve = 26 Oct 2024 19:56:00
njMid = 27 Oct 2024 12:57:00
njEve = 27 Oct 2024 19:56:00
fileupdtime = 27 Oct 2024 15:18:47
EST time = 27 Oct 2024 19:52:23
30816 - 24923
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New Jersey Lottery Pick 4 Number Drawing Results, Surface Analysis, and Play Recommendations

NJ Pick 4 Results



New Jersey Pick 4

Lottery Surface Analysis

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NJ Pick 4 Surface Results Page Description

By mapping the NJ Pick 4 results into Range and Sum buckets, it is possible to quickly identify which cells are hot and cold. The graphs below present this information in two views. On the left is a top down matrix view; and on the right is a 3-D view of the same data.

The cells of the data are color coded. Those with the least number of occurances are shown in white. This progresses to blue, green yellow, orange, and red. Those cells that have no data are shown in black. Those with the most amount of points are shown in red.

If you move your cursor over the left hand display, you will see a "fish-eye" magnifying glass containing the actual value of the cells. Similarily, if you hold your mouse down on the right hand 3-D graph, you can rotate the image to better see the high and low points.

At right is a table showing the New Jersey Pick 4 results for the past 120 drawings. Use the scroll bar to view older dates.

NJ Pick 4 Results - Last 120 Drawings

NJ Pick 4 Sum and Range Distribution Chart

This bar chart below compares the actual and expected sum and range distributions of the Pick 4 drawing results. To use this, you have 3 choices.

  • First, you may select either the Sum or Range View from the pulldown menu (on the right). Note that the "Sum" represents a horizontal slice throuh the center of the distribution above; and that "Range" represents a vertical slice through the center of the distribution.
  • Second, you you specify if you want to show absolute values of the data in a side-by-side mode by pressing the "Actual" button on the left. Doing this will show the overall shape of the distribution.
  • Third, you you choose to show the differences between the actual and expected values by pressing the "Difference" button in the the middle. Doing this will help you understand if a particular indicator is under or over drawn.

Note that this information is a summary of all of our Pick 4 history for NJ.

NJ Pick 4 Repeating Number Breakdown

This section summarizes how many unique numbers are contained in the Pick 4 selection. The terms:

  • '4000' means that all numbers are the same (i.e. 1111, 2222, etc)
  • '3100' means that 3 of the numbers are all the same and one is different (i.e. 5551, 3933, etc)
  • '2200' means that only 2 numbers are different (i.e. 5566, 3737, etc)
  • '2110' means that 2 of the numbers are the same and the 2 others are different (i.e. 0084, 6936, etc)
  • '1111' means that all 4 of the numbers are different (i.e. 0123, 5962, etc)
Shown are: both the expected and the actual number of occurances of the patterns; a graph of the difference helps to indicate if the pattern is over or under drawn; and the total number of possible combinations. Note that in all cases, the order of the numbers is not important.

NJ Pick 4 Even Odd Breakdown

This section summarizes how many even and odd numbers are contained in the Pick 4 selection. The terms:

  • '40' means that all numbers are even (in the set of 0, 2, 4, 6, 8)
  • '31' means that 3 of the numbers are all even and 1 is odd (i.e. 2223, 8124, etc)
  • '22' means that 2 numbers are even and two are odd (i.e. 0945, 1168, etc)
  • '13' means that 1 of the numbers is even and 3 are odd (i.e. 5039, 6777, etc)
  • '04' means that all numbers are odd (in the set of 1, 3, 5, 7, 9)
Shown are: both the expected and the actual number of the even/odd occurances; a graph of the difference helps to indicate if the pattern is over or under drawn; plus, the total number of possible combinations. Note that: (1) in all cases, the order of the numbers is not important; (2) it does not matter if the numbers are the same or not; (3) the only thing that counts is if they are even or odd.

NJ Pick 4 Less than 5 or 5 and greater Breakdown

This section summarizes how many numbers were less than 5 or greater 4. Basically, we are simply bisecting the set of Pick 4 numbers into two groups. Here, the terms:

  • '40' means that all numbers were less than 5 (in the set of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
  • '31' means that 3 of the numbers are less than 5 and 1 is 5 or greater (i.e. 0512, 9422, etc)
  • '22' means that 2 of the numbers are less than 5 and 2 are 5 or greater (i.e. 7710, 2368, etc)
  • '13' means that 1 of the numbers is less than 5 and 3 are 5 or greater (i.e. 4567, 9564, etc)
  • '04' means that all numbers were 5 or greater (in the set of 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
Shown are: both the expected and the actual number of occurances that are less than 5 or 5 or greater; a graph of the difference helps to indicate if the pattern is over or under drawn; as well as the total number of possible combinations. Note that: (1) in all cases, the order of the numbers is not important; (2) it does not matter if the numbers are the same or not; (3) the only thing that counts is if they are below the number 5 or greater than or equal to 5.

NJ Pick 4 Duplicate Numbers Found - Showing Times Drawn

In the table above, the Number column contains the actual Pick 4 number. Next to it is the count of the number of times it was drawn. The age in shown in the number of drawings. Lastly, the Range and Sum columns are shown to help you associate it with the distribution graph at the left of this page.