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Canadian Western 649 (eff. Sep 2013)

Complete Odds & Return to Players


The purpose of this page is to provide Western 649 players with the supplemental information that is not readily available on the sponsored lottery site.

Western 649
Mini replace 2 replace 3 replace 4 replace 7 $0.000000 replace 7
Class Winners Losers Overall Odds Overall Return Return Sensitivity Payout per C$

We believe this is important because most lotteries only provide players with minimal amount of information: the odds of each winning combination occurring; the overall probability of having a winning ticket; the price of each ticket; the game format; the total number of combinations; and a few other items.

However, this page fills in the missing blanks. Included here are the complete odds and probabilities of every winning and losing ticket. It provides you with a comparison of winners to losers, the monies collected, the monies distributed back to players, and more.

Lottery Power Picks has taken every effort to ensure that this summary information is correct by reading and bookmarking all information provided by the organizing lottery body. But, in certain instances, clearly defined rules are not written. In those instances, we made assumptions that are linguistically consistent with the rules. Should any information be incorrect, please inform us so that we may correct it. We hope you find this information useful in understanding the lottery you play.

Jackpot:  M   (fixed)
Table WC6-7: Western 649 Expanded Odds Calculations

About: The Western 649 is a Canadian Regional lottery. It is governed by the Western Canada Lottery Corporation. It is available in Alberta, Manitoba, Nortwest Territories, Nunavut, Saskatchewan, and the Yukon Territory.

Format: Western 649 requires a player to make 1 choice: (1) Pick 6 numbers out of a set of 49 white balls. If the player picks the same numbers as those that are drawn in the next drawing, the player wins the Jackpot prize. Smaller prizes are awarded for other combinations. A bonus ball is also selected. This is used for awarding alternate prizes.

Class: Western 649 is a Mini Lottery. We classify it as such because its Jackpot Parity is approximately C$3.4 million, which is under C$10 million.

Prizes: The Western 649 jackpot prize is fixed at replace 1; and, all other cash prizes are predefined. These are summarized in the table above. No portion of the proceeds is rolled forward to the next drawing, which means that the jackpot is fixed and will never grow.

Combinations: In the Western 649 lottery, there are a total of replace 1 combinations.

Winners: Of these, there are replace 8 winning combinations. This represents replace 2 of the combinations. The overall odds of having a winning combination is replace 4 to 1 (the lower the better).

Losers: There are replace 9 losing Western 649 combinations. This is replace 3 of the combinations. The overall odds of having a losing combination is replace 4 to 1 (the higher the better; because as this number gets closer to 1, nearly every ticket is a loser.

Price: Each Western 649 ticket costs replace 90. However, two tickets must be purchased at once. The player can select their own numbers for one ticket, and the second combination will be generated automatically.

Money Raised: Assuming all tickets are sold and there are no duplicates, a total of replace 10 will be raised.

Table WC6-4: Western 649 Summary
Format 6/49+Bonus
Class Mini
Min Jackpot replace 8
Jackpot Type Cash
Combos replace 1
Total Winners replace 8
Total Losers replace 9
Overall Winners replace 4
Overall Losers replace 4
Pct Winners replace 2
Pct Losers replace 3
Price replace 9
Amount Raised replace 10
Tot Payout replace 11
Avg Ticket Payout replace 7
Normalized Payout/$ replace 7
ReturnOn$ replace 7
Jackpot/Odds replace 7
Return Sensitivity $0.000
Jackpot Parity replace 7

Prize Pool: Of this, replace 11 will be allocated to the prize pool to be paid back to the players when the jackpot is set to replace 8. Since the jackpot is fixed, this amount will never grow.

Average Winning Ticket Payout: On the average, each winning ticket will pay replace 7 to the players. Since a ticket costs replace 9, the normalized payout per Dollar spent is replace 7

Income Returned to Players: Based on this information, replace 7 of each $ raised will be returned to the players.

Return Sensitivity: The return sensitivity of Western 649 is 0 (zero). This is because the jackpot remains constant and will not fluctuate.

Jackpot Parity: In order for Western 649 to return C$1.00 of each dollar raised, the Jackpot must be equal to replace 7. However, this will never be reached because the jackpot is fixed at C$2,000,000

You can learn more about the Western 649 Lottery and verify our findings by visiting our references.